Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Beader's Block

So I sat down to work, hubby in the other room playing video games and I was completely alone with my beads. Perfect working environment, right?


I've been struck with beader's block.

I had a cool idea to do a netted collar in fiery colors. Didn't come out like I wanted it to, so I took it apart an hour later, after trying to rework it three times.

Have another idea to do a herringbone rope. Didn't feel like starting a new project at midnight.

Still have no clue as to how to go about doing the flowers that I'm going to need for this piece.........................................................................................and hubby just stepped on the cat and scared the shit out of all of us and I've lost my train of thought.

I give up. I'm going to bed. Maybe with less distractions tomorrow I can be more productive.



The Lone Beader® said...

I always start new projects at midnite! LOL.

hands2heal said...

LOL I would, but hubby has a regular day job and midnight during the week is usually bedtime. Otherwise, I'd be going to bed between 2-3 and getting up around noon. I'm definitely a night owl.