Saturday, March 8, 2008

Gonna die... from exhaustion

I'm completely beat. Tired. Fatigued. Dead on my feet. And it had nothing to do with beading.

Professionally, February is usually a slow month for me. And, as luck wouldn't have it, all my major yearly dues are due in March. Professional membership/insurance, MT license, business license, plus the usual monthly round of bills. So, I headed out to the retreat centre today to pick up some hours. I did six, and apparently did so well they want me out again tomorrow. Well, that will cut into my beading time, but a girl's gotta make some money to spend on beads! And fabric, since the Hot Flash Tour with C2 is coming up on Tuesday and I need to have a smidge of money put back to buy patterns and novelty fabrics I can't find at my local stores.

So, I'm crashing out, and I hope I'll have something more interesting to blog about tomorrow. Which I should, since the plan is to spend the afternoon at Got To Bead. Yay!

Oh, and if you haven't voted yet, please check out my previous post and go vote. Even if you don't vote for me. We're trying to get 1000 votes and we're just over 300. Pass it on! Thanks!

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