Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A semi-productive day

Better day today, beading-wise. Had lunch with an old friend. I should know better than to eat Chinese buffet food. It fought back most of the night. Went by the bead store on my way home to pick up some black delicas and see how many people were signed up for tonight's class - 5 plus the owner. Came home, wrote up the instructions for class, grabbed my bead bag, stopped by the polling place and voted, then spent the night at the bead store. I told them I'd help out by doing some repair stuff, but the only repair they had left for me was a rework/restring. No biggie, took me about an hour to rework a bracelet and pair of earrings. And I got a lot of thanks from the owner because she dreads doing that kind of work. I find it meditative, plus I score brownie points when help out. :D

Class was a lot of fun. I ended up with 3 of the 5 students that were signed up. One lady called and said her whole household of 6 had strep, and we told her to please stay home. And the other one never showed or called, despite T. giving her a reminder call about class. *shrug* Oh well, she missed a very fun class. I did a bracelet with the class and though I didn't finish it, I was able to complete it when I got home. With the black delicas, I've finished the cuff part of the bracelet and now I just need to get the closure done. Not sure yet how exactly I want to close it, but that'll be something to do tomorrow.

I'm still stuck on the F&F challenge. Maybe if I buy some more beads, I'll feel more creative.
Now I just need to come up with some money for them.

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